News and Updates


Heliophysics Community Newsletters

The following lists community newsletters and information sources.  Additionally, is an up-to-date information resource available to all members of the Heliophysics Community. 

AGU list of community resources: A comprehensive page listing many resources 

SCOSTEP/PRESTO Newsletter: Newsletter of the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics 
AGU/SPA Newsletter: Newsletter of the American Geophysical Union's Space Physics and Aeronomy Section
SolarNews: Newsletter of the AAS Solar Physics Division
CEDAR Newsletter: Newsletter of the Coupling, Energetics, and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Commuinity
GEM Messenger: Newsletter of the Geospace Environment Modeling Community
SHINE Newsletter: Newsletter of the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment Community
Heliosphere News: Newsletter devoted to Heliospheric Science
MIST News:  News page for the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial Council

ML-Helio Newsletter:  Newsletter for the Machine Learning in Heliophysics community


July 2024: 

June 2024: 

May 2024: 

March 2024: 

January 2024: 

December 2023:

November 2023: 

August 2023: 

June 2023:  

May 2023:

April 2023: 

March 2023:

February 2023:  

January 2023:

December 2022:

November 2022:

October 2022: 

September 2022:

August 2022:

July 2022:

June 2022:

May 2022:

April 2022:

March 2022:

We have a website!